Bangladesh Automobiles Assemblers and Manufacturers Association (BAAMA) is the apex organization of Bangladesh playing a pivotal role in consultative and advisory capacity, safeguarding the interest of the manufacturers and assemblers of automotive vehicles of every kind ( 2,3,4 wheelers etc. )
The Association started its journey in 1995 with the following objectives.
1. To bring together the local Assemblers/ Manufacturers of automotive vehicles in various parts of Bangladesh on a common platform.
2. To maximize the production and distribution of vehicles to meet the growing demand in the country and also to make possible export of vehicles.
3. To take necessary steps against any problem or eventualities relating to tax anomalies, procurement of raw materials, machinery, manpower and technical know-how both inside and outside the country.
4. To render effective service to help the country in developing industrially in the vehicles sector and attaining self-sufficiency in the assembly/production of vehicles.
5. To provide for mutual consultations between the members of the association and other concerned authorities including the govt. on matters of common interests.
6. To consider all questions connected with the carrying on of any trades or assembly of vehicles.
7. To represents, express and give effect to the views and opinions of assemblers/manufacturers of vehicles on commercial or mercantile matters of all kinds.
8. To collect necessary information and statistical data from different quarters regularly and continuously and to circulate such information and data for the use and benefit of the members of the association.
9. To take all steps as may be necessary for promoting, protecting and safeguarding the overall interests and rights of the assemblers/manufacturers of vehicles.
10. To negotiate, finalize and enter into agreements between the assemblers/manufacturers of vehicles on the one hand and other concerned persons or authorities on the other hand on all matters relating to the association.